New Leven Canyon Excursion

New Leven Canyon Excursion

The Forest Education Foundation ventured to the north west of Tasmania earlier this term with the grade 9 students from Ulverstone High, on a first time visit to explore the forests and land use surrounding Leven Canyon. This is a dramatic spot, with the huge canyon...
A Day in the Forest

A Day in the Forest

Come and make the most of an opportunity to explore what it is like to be a Tour Guide in the beautiful Huon Valley! In a free event funded by the Community Enterprise Foundation and in conjunction with TasTAFE, the FEF are running a two-day program exploring the...
Karsts, Caves and Florentine Forests

Karsts, Caves and Florentine Forests

Later this year, the Forest Education Foundation will be getting involved with the 2014 Expedition Class Cave Search, supported by the bookend Trust and run by teacher Andrew Hughes here in Tasmania. Expedition Class is a free online adventure learning opportunity for...