We have suggested links from sites that we think might prove useful to teachers and to those with a general interest in forests, their industry and management. This is not exhaustive and we aim to add to these; if you would like to recommend a site that is not included here, please let us know.
Australian Curriculum
Quick reference link to all the new curricula from K- Year 12.
A range of extensive resource material for students of all ages collated from forest education teams in NSW, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania.
Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia
Formed through the collaboration of the Australian Government, primary industries organisations and the education sector, the PIEFA is a provider of credible, relevant and factual information on all matters relating to agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
Australian National University
Details for opportunities in forest education at a higher level.
Southern Cross University
Information about Forestry Science and Management courses available at Southern Cross.
Research and industry
Tasmanian Forest Products Association
TFPA represents all elements of the value chain from the sustainable harvesting of plantations and multiple use natural forest resource including forest establishment and management, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of pulp, paper and bioproducts.
CSIRO forest overview
Details of CSIRO’s forestry research activities, which range from quantative genetics to precision plantation management to smart paper and wood products of the future.
Forest and Wood Products Australia
The FWPA invests in research and development to support the forest industry in Australia, with links to career pathways and opportunities within the industry.
Island Specialty Timbers
Information on Tasmania’s special timber species – sassafras, myrtle, king billy and Huon pines amongst others – primarily for woodworkers and those looking for a commercial outlet.
Australian Supersite Network – Warra Tall Eucalypt
Details of the research site in Tasmania’s Southern Forests, and the range of data being collected. This also links to the other Supersites across Australia.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
TERN overseas the management of Supersites, plus larger research areas encompassing a full range of Australian ecosystems.
Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre
A new research centre looking at bushfire, natural hazards and risk management.
Forest Stewardship Council
One of two forest certification schemes in Australia (see below) the FSC promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
Responsible Wood
Responsible Wood oversees the operation of the Australian Forestry Certification Scheme (AFCS). This website helps explain the complex process of forest certification.
Land Management
Sustainable Timber Tasmania
FT manages the State Forest areas on behalf of the Tasmanian Government. There are links from this home page to all aspects of their management activities.
SFM-Forest Products
SFM is a provider of independent certified forest management and forest consulting across Australia. The site provides information about forest certification and links to the Hydrowood project.
Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service
Information on forest areas within the National Park boundaries and World Heritage Areas.
Private Forests Tasmania
This site provides information for private forest landowners with regard to management, regulations and future use of forested land.
Forest Practices Authority
The Forest Practices Authority is an independent statutory body that administers the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land.
Department of Agriculture
A source of information on Australian forest systems, distribution and management.
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
DPIPWE are responsible for the management of forest reserves in Tasmania (through the Parks and Wildlife Service). This site has plenty of general information regarding natural resource management in Tasmania.

We have suggested links from sites that we think might prove useful to teachers and to those with a general interest in forests, their industry and management. This is not exhaustive and we aim to add to these; if you would like to recommend a site that is not included here, please let us know.
A range of extensive resource material for students of all ages collated from forest education teams in NSW, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania.
Primary Industries Education Foundation
Formed through the collaboration of the Australian Government, primary industries organisations and the education sector, the PIEF is a provider of credible, relevant and factual information on all matters relating to agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
Australian Curriculum
Quick reference link to all the new curricula from K- Year 12.
Australian National University
Details for opportunities in forest education at a higher level.
Southern Cross University
Information about Forestry Science and Management courses available at Southern Cross.
Research and industry
CSIRO forest overview
Details of CSIRO’s forestry research activities, which range from quantative genetics to precision plantation management to smart paper and wood products of the future.
Forest and Wood Products Australia
The FWPA invests in research and development to support the forest industry in Australia, with links to career pathways and opportunities within the industry.
Island Specialty Timbers
Information on Tasmania’s special timber species – sassafras, myrtle, king billy and Huon pines amongst others – primarily for woodworkers and those looking for a commercial outlet.
Australian Supersite Network – Warra Tall Eucalypt
Details of the research site in Tasmania’s Southern Forests, and the range of data being collected. This also links to the other Supersites across Australia.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
TERN overseas the management of Supersites, plus larger research areas encompassing a full range of Australian ecosystems.
Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre
A new research centre looking at bushfire, natural hazards and risk management.
Forest Stewardship Council
One of two forest certification schemes in Australia (see below) the FSC promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
Responsible Wood
Responsible Wood oversees the operation of the Australian Forestry Certification Scheme (AFCS). This website helps explain the complex process of forest certification.
Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry(archived site)
The CRC for Forestry no longer receives funding, but its website still has relevant information on Australian forest research, science and management.
Land Management
Sustainable Timber Tasmania
FT manages the State Forest areas on behalf of the Tasmanian Government. There are links from this home page to all aspects of their management activities.
SFM-Forest Products
SFM is a provider of independent certified forest management and forest consulting across Australia. The site provides information about forest certification and links to the Hydrowood project.
Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service
Information on forest areas within the National Park boundaries and World Heritage Areas.
Private Forests Tasmania
This site provides information for private forest landowners with regard to management, regulations and future use of forested land.
Forest Practices Authority
The Forest Practices Authority is an independent statutory body that administers the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land.
Department of Agriculture
A source of information on Australian forest systems, distribution and management.
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
DPIPWE are responsible for the management of forest reserves in Tasmania (through the Parks and Wildlife Service). This site has plenty of general information regarding natural resource management in Tasmania.