Schools Tree Day celebrations – July 2022
Students across Tasmania rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty to celebrate Schools Tree Day, an event which is part of National Tree Day held at the end of July each year.
The FEF were delighted to be a part of this year’s celebrations, in collaboration with Sustainable Timber Tasmania. The events included a tree planting day at the Scottsdale High school farm, a week of teaching and learning all about trees at Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre and a special visit to the Sustainable Timber Tasmania Nursery and Seed Centre in Perth.

Scottsdale High School Farm
Agricultural Students from grade 8,9 and 10 participated in the event, helping to plant a range of native tree and shrub species along a corridor on the farm, previously used to move cattle. The plants will help to restore the soil and provide shelter to adjacent paddocks. Local foresters and STT staff helped students to plant their seedlings, while also giving them an insight into career opportunities in the forest industry. Students have already enthusiastically expressed an interest in gaining work experience in the forest industry as a result.
Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre
The FEF supported a week of programs at the Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre, which focused on Trees in the farm landscape. Students from Lilydale District School and Longford Primary visited the farm to further their understanding of trees and the many benefits they provide the farm and beyond. Students helped plant an area of the farm to provide shelter from prevailing winds and had the opportunity to interact with Forest in a Box to demonstrate their learning.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania Nursery and Seed Centre in Perth
Several classes from Longford Primary had the privilege of visiting the place where the seedings for Schools tree day were grown, the Sustainable Timber Tasmania Nursery and Seed Centre in Perth. As part of this special event, Students were taken through the nursery by STT nursery staff, Carlton and Will. It was a great learning opportunity, with students finding out how seed is collected, stored, and regrown for our future forests.